I thought I was going to have more than this, but I didn’t go in today because I’m sick and I almost collapsed in Penn Station. But, still…
Things were going on outside the office just as much as inside this past week.
Jann Wenner + Wenner Media were all over Gawker in relation to firings and a new suit involving the former Men’s Journal EIC. Jann even made the Page Six and Memo Pad columns, which is kind of funny because both of those columns are in the media packets that get distributed around the office – including to Jann himself.
Also, thanks to the other interns and looking in the Gawker archive, I found out that there’s going to be an MTV reality show based on Rolling Stone interns. A bunch of kids are going to intern at RS and fight for a chance to be a contract writer. Did I not hint at an idea for a realtity show like this in my column about reality television about a year ago? I upsets me to no end that I did not find out about this until it was too late to apply. Sure, I’m already interning there, but I’m not getting the chance to be a contract writer. Bah!

Inside the office, the latest cover boy, Shaun White aka “The Flying Tomato,” stopped by. As I was coming off of the elevators from lunch, I almost crashed into him and his family, who were standing right infront of them. He’s kind of short.
Lastly: HELP ME (kind of sort of) GET PUBLISHED IN RS. You know those funny videos and websites that get passed around via IM, myspace and e-mail messages? Any time you get a link like this, please send it to me! But try to stick to things that are really, really new. Our supervisors are asking us to give them five links like this every week prior to a closing week, along with 50 word summaries. If they like what we write, it might be printed. We probably won’t get bylines, but, hey – getting printed in Rolling Stone is a big deal no matter what.
Yosef says:
Feb 28, 2006
Get well soon! Don’t pass out in train stations.
Steve says:
Mar 1, 2006
You might be able to keep up with the funny video meme by surveying the top videos on YouTube regularly.
puck says:
Mar 1, 2006
this doesn’t count, does it?
t-sides » Internship: Days Nine - Twelve says:
Mar 14, 2006
[…] I also transcribed a really fascinating interview with a man putting together footage from a concert/series of concerts from ‘69 (the same year as Woodstock). This series was apparently given no coverage, and most people haven’t heard of it, even though it had names like Sly & The Family Stone, Stevie Wonder, BB King and Nina Simone, and a speech from Jesse Jackson. It’s African-American performers in-front of an African-American audience in Harlem – which brings up the question of whether or not the lack of attention was unintentional (or intentional) racism. Supposedly the police didn’t want to be involved with the event, so the Black Panthers were called in as security. Fascinating stuff. I don’t know the name of the concert series, but the film is supposedly going to be in Sundance next January – so look for it (I’ll remind you, provided I can keep this running that long). Lots of improvements are being made around the office – we interns who know very little of the office goings-on are assuming it’s because of the upcoming MTV television show. Of course, it could just be that the office needs the improvements and we’re just bitter. […]