A few lines from my journal before I head off on a walking tour of Florence…
“Rome is beautiful. The pastel-colored buildings are so much more inviting than America’s monotone monstrosities. Piazza Navona reminds me a lot of Montmartre, with the painters and cafés. Trevi Fountain also stunning — too bad we’re not allowed to jump in. Enjoying myself despite the rocky start of lost luggage and a 90 euro cab ride.”
“Florence is stunning. Haven’t seen much of it yet, but I’m excited to conquer it today. Still falling in love with Italy — it’s so much better than I could’ve ever imagined.”
Haven’t had Gelato yet, so that’s a definite goal for today. We had a leather demonstration this morning, so I’ll be able to tell all of you good ways to spot fake leather. Last night we went to a pub, and I sang karaoke to AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long.” How many times can you do karaoke in Italy, you know?
Bought lots of postcards, should have some time to write them tomorrow night. As for tonight, we head to a disco called Space. Should be interesting…