I’ve wanted to take part in the Contrast Podcast for a long time now, but just kept putting it off, mostly out of fear that I would just choose a completely ridiculous, out of place, inappropriate song. This week’s theme gave me no reason to fear any of those things, however, because the theme for Contrast Podcast #44 is “X Rated.” So, I strapped on my leather cat suit, knee-high boots and got down to it. Participating in my first Contrast Podcast, that is.
I won’t dare divulge what song I chose, but I will tell you that the second and third runners up were Mystikal, “Danger (Been So Long)” and Plastic Little, “Get Close,” respectively. If you’d like to find out what song I did end up choosing, hear me talk at about 75% slower than I normally talk and hear a great selection of other explicit tunes from other bloggers, go here: The Contrast Podcast.
Tim says:
Jan 30, 2007
Good to have you in the podcast fold Taylor. I hope we’ll hear you again. Cheers, Tim
Taylor says:
Jan 30, 2007
Thanks, Tim! It was great to do it. You’ll most certainly be hearing from me again.
EF Matt says:
Jan 31, 2007
I started listening to the podcast yesterday and was excited when your selection came on; however, now that your intro is JUST ending I think you might want to make it a bit shorter next time. Like, less than 15 hours.
Py Korry says:
Jan 31, 2007
Nice choice of KISS! They were my idols when I was 12!
Taylor says:
Jan 31, 2007
I’m really only vaguely familiar with their music… my friend and I were randomly watching VH1’s “Least Metal Moments” a couple years ago, and KISS had two – “Let’s Put The X In Sex” and the entire album of Dynasty, particularly “I Was Made For Lovin’ You.” Oddly enough, I enjoyed both… you know, on a really cheesy level.
Mita! says:
Feb 1, 2007
“God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll To You” is still their best song. I always rock out to it everytime Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey is on tv. “Let’s Put The X In Sex” is a close second though.
d says:
Feb 1, 2007
Oh Matt, you’re such a charmer.
FiL says:
Feb 2, 2007
Congrats on taking the Contrast Podcast plunge! And hooray for Kiss!! Like Py Korry above, I’ll admit to them rocking my world between the ages of 9 and 12…
Actually, another great Kiss song that would have been appropriate for this week’s episode is Love Gun. I mean, how can you go wrong with lyrics like: “No place for hidin’ baby / No place to run / You’ve pulled the trigger of my (pause for staccatto drum break) / Love gun, lo-o-ove gun…”
Taylor says:
Feb 2, 2007
Thanks, FiL! I have a feeling that there are a wealth of KISS songs that would have been appropriate