Another week, another contrast podcast!
This week’s theme is “Song Chain,” and yours truly was able to jump in and contribute a song and intro. Basically, each blogger that participated had to choose a song that connected to the song before it in some way.
Knowing the song choices out of context isn’t much fun for this theme, so I highly recommend listening to the whole kit ‘n’ kaboodle over at the Contrast Podcast website.
Tim Young says:
Feb 28, 2007
Hey Taylor, Nice choice on the CP .. we need more hippidy hop til they don’t stop stuff in my opinion.
Hope to hear you again soon. Tim
Taylor says:
Feb 28, 2007
Thanks, Tim! I had a feeling that the podcast could use a little hip-hop spice, haha.
FiL says:
Feb 28, 2007
Indeed! I say a hip, a hop, the hippie, the hippie, to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat!
Phew, must have a sit-down after that exertion…