1. Last week’s The Week in Rock Roundtable was especially hilarious. Check out our musings on The Tubes, Steve Perry, and Damn Yankees — plus plenty of off-topic subject matter — here.
2. I contributed a song to this week’s EarFarm theme chosen Contrast Podcast. The picture above is your hint to which song I selected.
3. Please please, please don’t forget about Bloggers for a Cure. There’s still plenty of prizing left, so get to contributing before it’s all gone!
Tim says:
May 9, 2007
Hey Taylor, Good to hear you on the CP again. I do hope you’ll be back again soon to choose more great music! Cheers, Tim
Billy F. says:
May 9, 2007
Taylor, The Tubes are awesome. If you haven’t heard “White Punks on Dope” or “Don’t Touch Me There” yet, you need to. It’s like Meat loaf meets the Flaming Lips.
Taylor says:
May 9, 2007
It’s like Meat loaf meets the Flaming Lips.
and that’s supposed to be appealing? I don’t know about that, Billy.
Billy F. says:
May 10, 2007
Wha????? You dare mock the name of Meat loaf in my presence. For shame Taylor. lol.
There is no better song than Paradise By The Dashboard Light. Well, that’s not true, but damn Paradise is awesome.
And The Flaming Lips rules.
Taylor says:
May 10, 2007
I have no qualms with Meat Loaf, nor with the Flaming Lips… but together? I dunno ’bout that.