Today, Blogactionday.org asks the question – “What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day?” The issue: the environment.
Marvin Gaye: “Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology)” (download)
We’re supposed to find a way to connect the environment to our normal subject matter, so here’s a thought for you:
What if people stopped buying CDs? There would be no plastic used for the actual CD. No plastic used for the case. No paper used for the other cases. No paper used for the booklets. Less plastic manufactured/produced in plants. Less tress made into paper. Less boxes used to put the CDs in for shipping to customers and stores. Less trucks used to deliver those boxes to customers and stores.
Of course, it would remove that tangible aspect of being able to unwrap and hold a CD. But at the very least, what if artists used recycled paper for their packaging? And what if more promoters used digital delivery, thus saving on shipping, packaging and paper used to print out press releases?
Just a thought.