Quoth Spider-Man: “with great power comes great responsibility.” While claiming a blog as power might seem silly on some levels, when one considers that this blog, a tiny little blip in the world of blogging, recieves between 1,000-2,000 hits a day, one realizes the kind of power that lies in their hands.
Jeff, writer of JefitoBlog, a great blogger and human being, has put together a small consortium of bloggers, myself included, titled “Bloggers for a Cure.” The goal? To raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research and treatment. The inspiration? Scott Malchus.
Malchus, also a member of the Week in Rock Roundtable, has a son named Jacob, who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was just 1 month old. My knowlege of Cystic Fibrosis was embarassingly little when I read this piece from the Santa Clarita Signal, the first half of which focused on Jacob and the Malchus family. What their family has gone through (and I’m sure the piece shows only a small portion of that), is absolutely unforgettable. It’s encouraging and heartbreaking all at once.
On June 2nd, Scott Malchus will be participating in the Great Strides Walk, and hopes to raise $2,500 in donations for Cystic Fibrosis research. Through Bloggers for a Cure, a group of truly amazing people have teamed together to dig up donations, along with great prize opportunities for anyone with the heart to donate. I will never urge anyone (reader or corporate) for money for anything connected to my blog, but I will urge anyone with a few extra bucks to spare — every amount helps — to donate to this incredibly worthy cause. For information on how to donate (and the possible prizes you can receive for doing so!), check out the Bloggers for a Cure website.
Other CF links:
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis on Wikikpedia