Top ____ Films I Saw This Year
By Howard Lee Lyon Best Philosophically Poignant Fox: Antichrist Best Movie That I Will Probably Never Watch Again: Enter the Void Best Violent Australian Mob Family: Animal Kingdom Best Movie That Came Out Before My Mother Was Born: Out of the Past Best Herzog: My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done Best Proof That...

Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two
Last episode, Taylor K. Brown and I, Taylor K. Long, took you through the wild world of Katy Perry, Kanye West, sci-fi, sex metaphors, R. Kelly, Fleet Foxes and Starbucks. If you missed it, you can relive the glory here. This time, the Taylors go through an in-depth personality analysis of David Lynch, and explore...

Tales from Tribeca
By Delia Paunescu Like many events in New York, the Tribeca Film Festival is the biggest deal for those participating. For everyone else, it’s another week or two of red carpets, guest lists and in-cab commercials. So it went for me the last few years – avoiding the crowds and escalated ticket prices – until...

The Wedding Date
Mr. Tie-Me-Up-Tie-Me-Down By Taylor K. Long Hollywood movies are seldom gracious to womankind, but romantic comedies in particular are terrible – designed to appeal to women while painting them with the widest, most unflattering brush possible, crafting tales of beautiful women who are neurotic, insecure, desperate and one-track-minded in their quest to meet a man...
Lost MP3 of the Week: Des’ree, “Kissing You”
I “fell in love” so many times in high school that it’s hard to know who to classify as the first, but Damon was the first time I fell hard. Really hard. We met in a summer program through a local occupational school that allowed you to take a culinary arts class in the summer...
Lost MP3 of the Week: Muddy Waters, “You Can’t Lose What You Ain’t Never Had”
Being an obsessive music hoarder has its drawbacks. The questions of, “How often do I really listen to ______ ?” and all those albums that you really mean to get around to listening to, you’re just never really “in the right mood.” Or those albums that you think you hate then decide you like on...
T-Sides Elsewhere, July 30th Edition
Bullz-Eye: I covered as much of Siren Fest as I could. Bottles of water consumed: 6. Sunburns received: 5. Popdose: I reviewed Shine A Light, Martin Scorsese’s Rolling Stones concert documentary, the all over the place Love As Laughter album, Holy, the Notwist’s excellent Neon Golden follow-up, The Devil You + Me, Joan as Police...
It’s Here, It’s Finally Here!
In honor of the release of The Dark Knight, a movie which yours truly has been hotly anticipating ever since that first official picture of Heath Ledger as the Joker leaked over a year ago, I give you… R. Kelly: “Gotham City” (download)
Lost MP3 of the Week: DJ Bobo, “Chihuahua”
Nearly two years ago now, I posted a short list of songs that reminded me of my post-college trip to Europe & Asia. One of those songs, DJ Bobo’s “Chihuahua,” has recently reappeared in my life – and will soon make its way into yours, as well, if it hasn’t already. DJ Bobo: “Chihuahua” (download)...
Devendra Banhart, Is That You?
Oh, hey Devendra Banhart, I didn’t realize you were in that new movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. What, that’s not you? Okay, if you say so. Pretty close resemblance, though. But I guess I can understand if you’re embarrassed and don’t want to lose your cred. Devendra Banhart: “Seaside” (download)