Albums of the Year, Part 1: Fleet Foxes, “Helplessness Blues”
All My Life I Will Wait To Attain It By Taylor K. Long At some point in our 20s, we inevitably feel what can best be described as a burden of proof. We begin noticing milestones, the age of achievements. How Michelangelo was 29 when he finished “David.” How Franz Liszt was famous and touring...

Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two
Last episode, Taylor K. Brown and I, Taylor K. Long, took you through the wild world of Katy Perry, Kanye West, sci-fi, sex metaphors, R. Kelly, Fleet Foxes and Starbucks. If you missed it, you can relive the glory here. This time, the Taylors go through an in-depth personality analysis of David Lynch, and explore...

Tales from Tribeca
By Delia Paunescu Like many events in New York, the Tribeca Film Festival is the biggest deal for those participating. For everyone else, it’s another week or two of red carpets, guest lists and in-cab commercials. So it went for me the last few years – avoiding the crowds and escalated ticket prices – until...

The Wedding Date
Mr. Tie-Me-Up-Tie-Me-Down By Taylor K. Long Hollywood movies are seldom gracious to womankind, but romantic comedies in particular are terrible – designed to appeal to women while painting them with the widest, most unflattering brush possible, crafting tales of beautiful women who are neurotic, insecure, desperate and one-track-minded in their quest to meet a man...

Jake One: “Home”
This is all I have to say about Sunday – and I’m letting this song say it for me. Esp. the 2:34-2:50 mark. More on the state of T-Sides to come.

Ode To The 2010 Seahawks: The Reprise
I told you we’re hungry. What, you didn’t believe me? Surely you believe me now, having defeated the reigning Super Bowl Champs in the most glorious, nail-biting, Seattle-like fashion. I’ve watched Marshawn Lynch’s half-dozen-tackle-breaking-67-yard-run at least 10 times since Saturday, and you know what? It never gets old. But then, the greatest feats in sports...