Spun Out: Prisoner in Disguise by Linda Ronstadt
“Love is a Rose.” Written in a car on my way to La Havana Maui from the airport. Recorded at the ranch during rehearsals for the CSNY ’74 reunion tour. Later done up well by Linda Ronstadt, a soulful girl with big brown eyes.
David Byrne @ Prospect Park Bandshell, Monday, June 8th
An overwhelming 27,000 people showed up to see David Byrne play a free show at the Prospect Park Bandshell in Brooklyn on Monday night. The show was the opening of the 2009 Celebrate Brooklyn concert series. Celebration was easily the theme of the night, whether you were celebrating the fact that it didn’t rain, the...
T-Sides Elsewhere, June 2nd Edition
Summer’s basically here. I can taste it. Spent my Memorial Day Weekend in the green bounty of Vermont. The minute my train rode into Vermont’s green border, the smile on my face couldn’t be removed. Managed to get a little work done while I was there, though — Wrote an 8+ for Ear Farm on...
T-Sides Elsewhere, May 8th Edition
It’s Spring, and the album releases are heating up! Expect more of these coming soon. Over at Popdose, I talk about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ glitzy new album, It’s Blitz!… I make a triumphant return to Bullz-Eye with a dissection of Cursive’s latest, Mama, I’m Swollen… I stop in to the Contrast Podcast again to...
Throbbing Gristle @ Brooklyn Masonic Temple, Tuesday, April 28th
If anyone other than Throbbing Gristle had been playing the Brooklyn Masonic Temple on Tuesday night, the fact that the crowd was older and stranger and on more drugs than the average New York City crowd might have been off-putting. And if anyone other than Throbbing Gristle had been on stage, the fact that they...
Happy Birthday to…Us! T-Sides is Three Years Old!
Here at T-Sides, we’re celebrating the impending arrival of Valentine’s Day by acknowledging a very important relationship. Your relationship with yourself. Not to say that all those others aren’t important, too. But as that wise old sage Charles Bukowski says, “If you have the ability to love / love yourself first.” Ok, so Bukowski wasn’t...
Fleet Foxes @ Webster Hall, Sunday, Oct. 6th
It’s easy enough to say that live performance is the true test of a band. But there’s something that goes beyond that. Will a show that’s great once be great 10 times? In a culture prone to fanaticism, there should be things that interest the audience member who’s seen the band on every tour for...
If things seem a little quiet here at T-Sides lately, that’s because we’re moving! Not the website, it’ll still be right here, just our base of operations. We’re cookin’ up some great features for you, though, as always, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, here’s a little something in the spirit of relocating for...
Billy Joel @ Shea Stadium, Wednesday, July 16th
In New York, baseball is akin to religion. To many New Yorkers, Billy Joel is, too. So it was no surprise when it was announced that Joel would play the last concert at the New York Mets’ Shea Stadium. And so, the themes of the night were, of course, New York and baseball, and Joel...