Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two
Last episode, Taylor K. Brown and I, Taylor K. Long, took you through the wild world of Katy Perry, Kanye West, sci-fi, sex metaphors, R. Kelly, Fleet Foxes and Starbucks. If you missed it, you can relive the glory here. This time, the Taylors go through an in-depth personality analysis of David Lynch, and explore...
David Byrne @ Prospect Park Bandshell, Monday, June 8th
An overwhelming 27,000 people showed up to see David Byrne play a free show at the Prospect Park Bandshell in Brooklyn on Monday night. The show was the opening of the 2009 Celebrate Brooklyn concert series. Celebration was easily the theme of the night, whether you were celebrating the fact that it didn’t rain, the...
GAS @ Miller Theatre, Friday, May 29th
Save the massive excitement surrounding what was claimed to be his first and only show in the U.S. (though it seems he played Chicago three nights prior), everything about Wolfgang Voigt’s show at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre on Friday night was minimal. Performing under the name of his popular ambient electronic project, GAS, Voigt was...
T-Sides B-Sides: Cursive, “Mama, I’m Swollen”
I don’t really do traditional reviews here on T-Sides, because my reviewing is usually covered by Popdose and Bullz-Eye. So, when friend of T-Sides (and top-notch drummer!) Chris Enriquez said he wanted to do a write-up of Cursive’s new album, Mama, I’m Swollen, I jumped at the chance! Here’s what Chris, a long-time Cursive fan,...
Double Dipping: Morrissey @ Webster Hall, The Grates & Micachu and the Shapes @ Pianos, Wednesday, March 25th
New York City living, with its ever-expanding list of options, presents a reoccurring problem: What to do when you need or want to be in two places at once? Given the opportunity to see both legendary crooner Morrissey at Webster Hall for free and up and coming hype bands the Grates and Micachu and the...
T-Sides B-Sides: Lost MP3 of the Week: Vigilantes Of Love, “Skin”
While browsing through the archive the other day, I realized it’s been awhile since we’ve had a contributor here on T-Sides. So, I put out a call to some trusted associates, asking if there was anyone who’d like to take a turn at it. Fellow Popdose associate Dw. Dunphy answered the call with this alluring...
Cursive @ Music Hall of Williamsburg, Monday, March 9th
Appearances, as they say, can be deceiving. Looking at Cursive frontman Tim Kasher’s slim stature on stage at the Music Hall of Williamsburg last Monday night, one unfamiliar with his songwriting might have never guessed the hostilities that lurk within. Shaking his head and his fist, Kasher pointed his rage at lovers, religion and critics,...
Les Savy Fav @ The Mezzanine, Sunday, March 1st
By now, most people who’ve heard (of) Les Savy Fav know their live show is more spectacle than concert. This is due in large part to front-man Tim Harrington, whose no-holds-barred antics could probably attract the same crowd sizes on their own. This isn’t to knock Les Savy Fav’s music, or their ability to play...
T-Sides Elsewhere, Feb. 22nd Edition
As promised, T-Sides is once again tapping the writing well. There hasn’t been much in the way of live shows to whip us into a frenzy, but new release season is finally picking up. Quick-witted Lily Allen has a new one that doesn’t quite live up to the pop accessibility of her first, and there...
Lost MP3 of the Week: Des’ree, “Kissing You”
I “fell in love” so many times in high school that it’s hard to know who to classify as the first, but Damon was the first time I fell hard. Really hard. We met in a summer program through a local occupational school that allowed you to take a culinary arts class in the summer...
Happy Birthday to…Us! T-Sides is Three Years Old!
Here at T-Sides, we’re celebrating the impending arrival of Valentine’s Day by acknowledging a very important relationship. Your relationship with yourself. Not to say that all those others aren’t important, too. But as that wise old sage Charles Bukowski says, “If you have the ability to love / love yourself first.” Ok, so Bukowski wasn’t...