Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two
Last episode, Taylor K. Brown and I, Taylor K. Long, took you through the wild world of Katy Perry, Kanye West, sci-fi, sex metaphors, R. Kelly, Fleet Foxes and Starbucks. If you missed it, you can relive the glory here. This time, the Taylors go through an in-depth personality analysis of David Lynch, and explore...
T-Sides B-Sides: The Music of Battlestar Galactica
Part of the reason why it’s nice to have contributors here on T-Sides is to get different perspectives and tastes. What’s covered on T-Sides is what most appeals to us in a wide sea of culture, but it’s impossible to thoroughly cover everything that’s worthy of attention. There are things we – gasp! – might...
T-Sides Contest: Win a TV on the Radio poster designed by Tunde Adebimpe
As you may have guessed from a few entries, or read in recent interviews, T-Sides can’t get enough of TV on the Radio and their latest album, Dear Science. In honor of these talented men from our home-base borough of Brooklyn, we’re giving away a poster designed by singer Tunde Adebimpe. I looks like that...
Band of Horses or Band of Hypocrites?
[youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=s6vohX4HV10[/youtube] It’s awfully hypocritical that after Ben Bridwell’s insufferable ranting about being famous for only “the Funeral,” — or, more specifically, people at certain shows only interested in “the Funeral,” same ballpark — Band of Horses allowed it to be used in a 2008 Ford Edge commercial. Remember this? Here’s the key excerpt: But then...
Prince Half-Time Show possibly responsible for turning Audience members Gay
It’s highly likely that most of you have seen these by now, but the Smoking Gun has a plethora of letters from viewers concerned about the subject matter that Prince’s performance supposedly represented (a cigar is never just a cigar, right?). Here are a few highlights: “CBS Sports producers knew, that when the former penist...
Project Runway Contest Sighting #2!
I’m sure that only a fraction of you will care about this, but I have to mention it. Yesterday I was walking to Whole Foods in Union Square to grab some lunch, and as I was crossing the street, I saw Malan Breton, of Project Runway Season 3 fame. You may remember him as making...
Science of Gondry’s Sleep.
Welcome, friends, to another T-Sides movie review! I meant to follow my last one up with a review of Factotum, but life happens and one gets distracted. (If you like Bukowski, you’ll probably like it, if you don’t, you probably won’t. How’s that?) Now there are newer films in our theaters, and so shall I...
Internship: Days Fifteen + Sixteen
As I’ve told most of you, the big news this week is that casting just began for the MTV/Rolling Stone reality show I’ve been writing about. I had figured that, since it begins taping in June, casting had already been completed – but apparently I was wrong. The lucky contestants will be staff writers for...
Internship: Days Nine – Twelve
As you Gawker.com readers know, the big news around Wenner Media / RS is that Jann & his partner, Matt, will be fathers. It’s kind of sad that I get most of the good Wenner gossip from Gawker… Still, I did hear an interesting item while transcribing the other day – someone brought up a...