[In relation to my CMJ coverage, allow me to pre-emptively apologize for two things: 1) my camera is not fabulous with concert photos, 2) I won’t be hosting many mp3s direct. The reason for the latter is that my current connection is rather slow, so it takes me ages to download and upload things. Since...
Have no fear, readers, I have not forsaken thee. As some of you may know, and as some of you may not know, CMJ has taken over New York City. What’s CMJ, you ask? (If you don’t ask this, feel free to skip ahead to the next paragraph). CMJ stands for College Music Journal, which...
When I was a bit younger, probably about Middle School age, I used to think of a music video for almost every song I listened to. I knew I’d never have a future in the music video concept business, though, because my idea for each music video usually consisted of exactly what I was doing...
I wish I had a deep, intriguing reason for writing about “Fools Fall In Love” (not to be confused with “Why Do Fools Fall In Love?”), but I don’t. A couple days ago I was thinking about how movies and books about long, tumultuous romances almost always end badly, and for whatever reason, this song...
1. Next time you’re in the mood for some big-time drinking, try the Pitchfork Media Drinking Game. The downside? Actually reading Pitchfork may result in vomiting, even without alcoholic content in your body. 2. Since there’s been some negativity surrounding the boys of Two Gallants lately, I thought I’d point to something more positive. They...
I first heard about this on Sunday night, and wanted to write about it right then and there, but I’ve been in the process of moving. I’m aware that it’s gotten considerable press since then, but this is something that I feel very strongly about, so, as per usual lately, I’m going to laugh in...
Several people will probably want to crucify me for saying this, but I greatly, greatly disliked Picaresque. I would go so far as to say that I hate it, except that there are two songs on it that are quite glorious. The Decemberists: “We Both Go Down Together” (download) The Decemberists: “The Engine Driver” (download)...
Lil’ Kim: “Lighters Up (Welcome To Brooklyn)” (download) Maserati: “Moving With Heavy Hearts” (download) The Cars: “Moving In Stereo” (download) Hello, faithful readers! If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from me in awhile, it’s because I’m moving. I put a deposit on an apartment this past weekend, and signed the lease this week. I’m...
When I’m trying to recall something from my life thus far, there are generally two points of reference that I use: 1) what band I was listening to the most and 2) who I had a crush on at the time. As I’ve gotten older, it’s become harder to categorize things this way, because my...
I’ve just been alerted to a CNN Special Report all about the Indie Scene. This special report includes a story defining indie and the history of indie culture (“If it’s cool, creative and different, it’s indie” — oh really?), as well as a quiz: “How indie are you?” I scored an 8 out of 10,...
Hall & Oates: “I’m Sorry” (download) Red House Painters: “I’m Sorry (John Denver Cover)” (download) I’m going to go back through my entries to add Technorati tags and category tags to each one. I apologize in advance if this screws things up for those of you who are reading T-Sides through feeds. For those of...
1. Jeff of Jefitoblog has a really wonderful Friday mixtape series going on every week. I missed the one from Friday before last, but I’m still listening to the first two, and the most recent is surely good, as it features Stars, Buckingham Nicks, Aretha Franklin & Steely Dan. Also, it’s Jefitoblog, and Jeff’s posts...