In No Particular Order, 18 More Great Albums From 2011:
By Taylor K. Long
9 Types of Light consists of love songs and apocalyptic spaz-outs--so are we more free to love...
Love Me Now, When I'm Gone, Love Me None
By Taylor K. Long
For an emotional R&B singing moniker, Christopher Breaux aka Frank Ocean couldn’t have done much better. Writers often use water metaphors – an ocean, in particular – to represent feelings, emotions, and hidden...
All My Life I Will Wait To Attain It By Taylor K. Long At some point in our 20s, we inevitably feel what can best be described as a burden of proof. We begin noticing milestones, the age of achievements. How Michelangelo was 29 when he finished “David.” How Franz Liszt was famous and touring...
I refuse to whittle this down to just 10 shows. There were just too many standouts from this year, and all of them deserve to be recognized even if it means the defiance of a pretty number. 12. Kyp Malone @ Zebulon, Jan. 31st Kyp Malone is a member of TV on the Radio, one...